background-image: -webkit-canvas(spinner)
background-position: center 70%
background-repeat: no-repeat
width: 100%
min-height: 100%
padding-top: 20%
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box
text-align: center
font-size: 100px
# It's fork from http://cssdeck.com/labs/vvt7yt0d
# It's fork from http://cssdeck.com/labs/vvt7yt0d
class BigSpinner
constructor: (id, color, shadow) ->
@ctx = document.getCSSCanvasContext("2d", id, 37, 37)
@ctx.lineWidth = 3
@ctx.lineCap = "round"
@ctx.strokeStyle = color
if shadow
@ctx.shadowOffsetX = 1
@ctx.shadowOffsetY = 1
@ctx.shadowBlur = 1
@ctx.shadowColor = shadow
@step = 0
@timer = null
return @
stop: ->
if @timer
@ctx.clearRect 0, 0, 37, 37
clearInterval @timer
@timer = null
start: ->
return @ if @timer
# 24-30 fps good idea!
# It will be smooth :)
# And cool trick, bind.
@timer = setInterval(draw.bind(@), 1000 / 24)
draw = ->
@ctx.clearRect 0, 0, 37, 37
@ctx.translate 18, 18
@ctx.rotate @step * Math.PI / 180
i = 0
while i < 12
@ctx.rotate 30 * Math.PI / 180
drawLine @ctx, i
@step += 30
@step = 0 if @step is 360
drawLine = (ctx, i) ->
ctx.globalAlpha = i / 12
ctx.moveTo 0, 8 + 1
ctx.lineTo 0, 16 - 1
spinner = new BigSpinner("spinner", "#666").start()
# Or
#spinner = new BigSpinner("spinner", "#666")
# Do work