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Javascript String Comparison

String Comparison is an important thing to understand in Javascript. We need to make sure that we comprehend how string comparison works exactly with different operators like < <= > >= === ==.

  • < stands for less than. So a < b checks whether a is less than b or not, and if that's true, then it evaluates to true, else it evaluates to false.
  • <= means less than OR equal to. So a <= b checkes whether a is less than OR equal to b. If any of those are true, then it evaluates to true. Else it evaluates to false.
  • > and >= are similar to the above examples, but in the reverse order.
  • === checks whether 2 operands are strictly equal or not. So, a === b checks whether a and b are strictly equal or not. By strictly, I mean, their types (strings, numbers, etc.) should be same and the values should also be same. It is recommended to use === instead of == because == does some conversion (type coercion) when the 2 operands are of different types, causing weird bugs. So 1234 == '1234' is true while 1234 === '1234' evaluates to false.

This understanding will help us write our programs better, and make sure that we don't produce bugs by using the incorrect operator.

Note: String comparison is based on ASCII. Here's the ASCII Table: http://www.asciitable.com/


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