The CSS transition-timing function is a feature that helps you transition from one thing to another. A CSS transition timing function property specifies how intermediary values for CSS attributes impacted by a transition effect are computed. In general, this allows you to create an acceleration gradient so that the transition’s pace can change over time.

One for each attribute to be transitioned is used to construct this acceleration graph. Several easing algorithms can be supplied; each one will be used to the corresponding parameter as defined by the CSS transition timing function parameter, which operates as a transition-property collection.
If there are fewer easing functions supplied than those in the transition-property range, the user representative must quantify which valuation is used by iterating over the set of attributes until each transition property has a value.
See Also: Using Transition CSS Timing all Easeinout
Possible Values
- <easing-function>
Each easing function specifies the easing parameter that should be used to link to the transition-corresponding property’s attribute.
The non-step phrase values depict cubic Bézier curves with set four-point numbers, while the cubic-bezier CSS() function result allows for a non-predefined number. The step timing algorithms divide the given time into a predetermined number of equal-length intervals. A number of stages, as well as a step position, characterize it.

- ease
The possible values, cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0), accelerate near the center of the transition before calming down towards the conclusion.
- linear
Transitions with the same speed as cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0).
- ease-in
Ease-in, which is equivalent to cubic-bezier css(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0), begins softly and gradually accelerates until the transformation is accomplished.
- ease-out
Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0), transitions swiftly at first, then gradually slows down.
- ease-in-out
Identical to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0), transitions slowly at first, then quickly, then steadily again.
- bezier-cubic (p1, p2, p3, p4)
A cubic bezier graph was created by the author, with p1 and p3 variables in the area of 0 to 1.
See Also: Responsive CSS Transitions: Tips and Tricks
- Steps( n, <jumpterm>)
Reveals the transition across n pauses all during the transition, with each stop being displayed for the same amount of time. If n is 5, for instance, there are 5 stages. Which of the preceding jump words is utilized determines if the transition makes 5 pauses between 0 percent and 100 percent throughout the transition or performs 5 pauses such as the 0 percent and 100 percent marks:

- jump-start
Signifies a left-continuous expression, with the first jump occurring at the start of the transition.
- jump-end
Signifies a right continuous expression, with the last jump occurring at the end of the animations.
- jump-none
Along either end, there really is no drop. Instead, keep both the 0 percent and 100 percent marks for 1/n of the time.
- jump-both
Inserts stop at the 0% & 100% marks, thus extending a step to the transitions.
- Start
It’s the same as jump-starting a car.
- End
Identical to jump-end.
- step-start
Moves are equivalent to (1, jump-start)
- step-end
Moves are equivalent to (1, jump-end)
See Also: How to Use CSS3’s Transition Property
Concerns About Accessibility
Some motions can be useful for guiding users through expected tasks, showing connections within the client interface, or informing users about what activities have happened. Animations can aid in the reduction of cognitive load, the prevention of a change in vision, and the establishment of stronger spatial connection recall.

Particular animations, on the other hand, might be troublesome for those with cognitive issues like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as certain types of movement could be a trigger to Vestibular illnesses, epilepsy, vertigo, and Scotopic sensitivities.
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