Here at CSS Reset, we’re big fans of using icon fonts in place of .pngs or other images in our projects. You may have noticed that we usually use Font Awesome in our tutorials that require an icon font, but Font Awesome is hardly your only option when it comes to free and easily accessible icon fonts. We Love Font Icons is a site that hosts a number of different free icon fonts. We Love Font Icons works similarly to Google Fonts in that it hosts many different collections of font icon families, and you simply choose the ones you want to work with and the code for those font families will be generated for you.
Check out a list of some of our favorites from their collection below.
1. Entypo
Entypo is a modern collection of useful pictograms that would be perfect to use in any of your upcoming projects. Entypo’s collection includes common iconography along with social media icons.
2. Fontelico
Fontelico is an interesting (and slightly random) collection of cool emojis and browser logos.
3. Iconic Fill
Iconic Fill is a cool collection of font icons that feature a lot of tech and web development related icons. It features symbols of batteries, phones, sleeping devices, locked devices…basically, it’s a great collection to use if your project is in the tech category.
4. Maki
Maki features a lot of icons that represent activities — art, sports balls, bikes, etc, while throwing in some more general purpose icons as well — burgers, coffee, shopping carts. This is a good collection for general use.
5. Zocial
If you’re looking for social media icons or brand icons, zocial is probably right for you and your project. It includes icons that represent many major brands, from Amazon to Facebook to WordPress, and much more.