5 Common WordPress Issues and How to Fix Them

While WordPress is generally user-friendly, some common errors can occur. Fortunately, your WordPress issue has likely been reported and resolved already. We all appreciate WordPress, but it can sometimes be frustrating. It’s unpleasant when our site crashes due to the infamous white screen of death, an unknown PHP error from a plugin, or server issues.

However, whenever WordPress acts up, don’t worry, there’s always a solution, as this post will demonstrate. Encountering WordPress errors can be very risky for your business. This post explains some common WordPress errors and how to fix them easily.

Parse/Syntax Errors

A Parse or Syntax error occurs due to an issue in your site’s code, often in the functions.php file. Unlike other errors, it provides specific details about what’s wrong with your WordPress site. To resolve the issue, access the file through SFTP using credentials from your hosting provider. Locate the problematic file, review it, and address the issue.

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Once fixed, save the file and choose to replace the existing one on the server. Check your site to ensure it is working correctly.

Change to a Default Theme

Switching to a default theme might be a short-term solution if you encounter the WSoD after creating a new site or activating a new theme.

Alternatively, access your website via FTP and go to the themes folder. Rename the active theme’s folder to disable it. The theme’s files may not have been transferred from the local testing environment to the live WordPress installation. Send these files to your server using your FTP client or host’s File Manager. Rename the themes folder to disable the theme. Long-term solutions to consider if the WSoD is related to a theme:

  • Revert the theme to an older, safer version. Check your site’s backup or contact the theme provider. 
  • Request a patch from the theme developer.
  • Install and configure a new theme like Blocksy that is compatible with your WordPress setup.

Ugly URL Structure

A well-structured and easy-to-read URL is crucial for both SEO and user experience. Unfortunately, some WordPress themes create unattractive and vague URLs, harming your site’s visibility and click-through rates. Here’s how to address this problem.

Start by going to the Permalinks in your WordPress. Select the “Post name” option or customize the structure to include the post name. This will create descriptive URLs containing keywords from your post titles.

For existing websites with unclear URLs, you can use plugins like Yoast SEO or Redirection to set up redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. This way, your site’s current links or bookmarks will remain functional.

Content Publishing Errors

“Updating Failed” and “Publishing Failed” are common errors encountered during content publishing, such as when saving or publishing posts or pages. First, check the content for invalid characters or other potential issues if these errors occur. Troubleshooting steps include updating WordPress, disabling plugins, and using a default theme.

Opt for a Trustworthy Hosting Provider

It may be widely known, but not all hosting providers are identical. Even if they promote similar specifications, features, and configurations, the crucial differences often lie in what they don’t disclose. Make sure your hosting provider supplies sufficient resources and server performance. Opt for managed WordPress hosting for enhanced speed, security, and dedicated support services.


Dealing with WordPress theme problems can be frustrating, but you can resolve them with the correct information and solutions. By adhering to the troubleshooting steps and solutions provided in this post, you can keep your WordPress website both functional and visually appealing.

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