Looking for new places to get free, high quality stock photos for your projects? Check out this list of sites that have hundreds upon hundreds of stock photos available for you to use under the creative common license.
1. Unsplash
Unsplash hosts a collection of beautiful high quality stock photos that you can use however you like for any project. They offer a lot of fun ways to browse through their photos — you can skim through their collections, search specific terms, or just visit the “new” page to see the latest photos added.
2. Pexels
Pexels is a popular site for free stock photos. With 100 new photos added daily, there are a lot of beautiful, photos to choose from and the selection offers a lot of different variety in terms of photography subjects and categories. If you’re looking for a free stock photo of something specific and not super common, this is probably a good place to start.
3. 500px
Not all photos on 500px are free for personal or commercial use, but if you filter your search for creative commons license photos, you’ll find a great selection of beautiful images available for free use. The site also offers a cool feature that allows you to search for images by location (just be sure to check the licensing before using any images for your projects).
Gratisography is another site whose images are all free for personal and commercial use under the creative commons license. Search for the perfect image by category or by using your own search terms.
5. Viintage
If you need access to older or vintage-looking images for a project, check out the collection over at Viintage. The site hosts a collection of hundreds of vintage images that are public domain and can be used for free.
6. Pixabay
Pixabay provides you with free access to their library of almost one million free hi-res stock photos that are available for both personal and commercial use under the creative commons license.