A couple of months back, I ran a contest for my subscribers here on CSS Newbie. The prize was a copy of Eric Meyer’s pocket CSS reference book and a plug on my site. The winner of that contest was one Matthew Moro. Hopefully, Matthew has received his book by now. And, finally, this is his plug. :)
Matthew runs a website called CSSblog.it, a CSS-phillic resource for web developers whose mastery of the Italian language (which is limited to barely deciphering the menu at our local Spaghetti Works) far exceeds my own. Luckily, Google’s translation of CSSblog.it seems to be fairly accurate – giving me a window into the sort of work Matthew is doing.
CSSblog.it is part of a larger network of tech-related blogs in the Italian language. Other blogs include Tuxblog.it for Linux users and PHPblog.it for PHP aficionados (to borrow a Spanish phrase).
However, while Tuxblog and PHPblog both offer a large array of longer original articles, at this point CSSblog is predominantly filled with short excerpts or write-ups describing an article somewhere else on the web – although Matthew assures me his goal is to get more original content up on the site. And of course, there’s something to be said for not relying solely on original content. CSSblog.it is updated on a daily or near-daily basis (compare that to my track record of late!), while the other blogs in the “blog.it” network seem to be updated less frequently. And Matthew links back here to CSS Newbie with fair frequency, so you know he has discerning tastes.
All in all, CSSblog.it looks to be a great resource for Italian or Italian-speaking web developers to keep up on their craft. If you’re linguistically inclined, or just lucky enough to be born somewhere on Europe’s boot, be sure to give CSSblog.it a look!