CSSnewbie Subscriber Contest Winner Announced

It’s been a great, if absurdly busy, August for me, and I hope the same can be said for you. But all good things (including the month of August) must come to an end, and so to ends the CSSnewbie Subscriber Contest.

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The contest has ended, and a winner has been selected by the true random integer generator at random.org. Each contestant was assigned a number based on the order in which I received their email (see — you’re more than an email address to me! You’re a number as well!), and a number was chosen randomly from that total.

The winner of the subscriber contest is Italy’s own Matteo Moro, who writes on CSSblog.it. Matteo will be receiving a copy of Eric Meyer’s CSS Pocket Reference as well as a website review here on CSSnewbie (date/type to be determined).

Thanks to all of you who entered CSSnewbie’s first-ever contest. I had a lot of fun reading the quips everyone tended to include in the emails they sent me — it made me check my contest inbox probably more than was necessary. The success of this contest suggests that I might hold another in the future… as soon as I come up with something new worth celebrating. August only comes around once a year, sadly.

If you have any feedback on this contest, or on any future contests I might hold, feel free to either email me or leave a comment on this article. I’d love to hear what you have to say.

To all those who didn’t win: thanks for playing, thanks even more for reading, and I hope you stick around! I have more great articles lined up for September, including my first multi-part tutorial, which will combine elements of XHTML, CSS and JavaScript to great effect. Stay tuned!

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