The CSS Gradient Animator is a really cool tool that allows you to create your own animated CSS gradients quickly and super easily. It allows you to customize everything from colors, to speed of the animation, to angle of the gradient and angle of the scroll. You can also choose to not animate the gradient and leave it unmoving/unchanging. The tool will generate all the necessary code for you so all you have to do is choose which customizations you’d like. You even have the option to give your Animation a custom name. The generator also allows you to choose which vendor prefixes you’d like to include in your finished gradient code snippet.
You can use your freely generated CSS gradient animation as a background for your entire site or for individual HTML elements. You can also use them as backgrounds that take the place of images before they load (if they’re big and loading takes a long time, or in case they don’t load at all). You can also use gradients instead of images to reduce overall load time of your site. However you choose to use gradients, they’re sure to look great if you generate them using the CSS gradient animator. If you need color inspiration for your gradients, check out this gradient color palette generator called uiGradents. Browse the different gradient combination options until you find one that you like, then simply plug the colors they provide you with into the generator and you’ve got yourself a beautiful pure CSS gradient that can be animated.