How to Find the Perfect Name for Your Blog

Your blog needs a name that is short, memorable, and tells people what you’re all about, but coming up with a name that’s available can be a challenge. You might find a blog name that’s available, but the matching domain name is taken. Or, you’ll come up with a really good name and then find out it’s been trademarked.

Coming up with good ideas will be a process, but when you follow the tips outlined in this article, you’ll have an easier time finding the right name.

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Brainstorm all of your ideas

Before you start thinking about the finer details, get everything out of your mind and onto paper or a Word document. Brainstorm every idea you currently have for naming your blog without filtering or judging your ideas. Some of the best ideas come from reworking bad ideas, and since one idea can get you thinking about other ideas, brainstorming can be a valuable foundation.

Once you have all your ideas documented, read through them to see if anything stands out. Follow all the possibilities you think of until you’re exhausted and have no more capacity to think.

From there, choose one idea to start exploring, but keep your brainstorming documents handy to reference throughout your process.

Check domain name availability before getting attached

The last thing you want to do is come up with a really good name and then find out the matching domain name is unavailable in every form and extension possible. Before getting attached to any ideas, see if the domain name is available. If the .com is registered, see if you can get the .net or .org domain. If you’re struggling to find an available domain, consider adding small words, like “a,” “my,” “best,” or “the.” Look at The Blog Starter for an example of this in action.

Write down all the possibilities you find, but don’t buy your domain name just yet. You’ll need to do a little more work and sleep on it for a few days to make sure you buy the right one.

Check your list of ideas for memorability

Blog names are a bit like business names. They should be memorable enough that people can hear your blog’s name and remember it without effort. Check your list of possibilities and cross off all the options that seem too long to be easily remembered. Your blog might be discussed on a podcast or in someone’s video, so memorability is important.

Review your ideas for brand consistency

Your blog’s name should reflect your brand, but it doesn’t need to be specific. For example, if you choose a neutral phrase for a name, like “Solo Robot,” you can turn that phrase into part of your brand. However, you may want to use a specific word that reflects your brand’s ideals, like “rugged.” It all depends on your personal preferences.

Check for trademarks

Existing trademarks can make it a bit tricky to find a good blog name, but make sure you check the trademark database before settling on a name or buying a domain name. Once you do find the right name for your blog, you may want to consider getting it trademarked.

Consider thinking outside the realm of words

Sometimes amazing blogs don’t have a name with recognizable words or meaningful phrases. This is true for a lot of tech blogs, like Moz and SparkToro – two good resources for SEO and digital marketing information.

Get creative here and think of words that sound good together, even if they don’t carry a specific meaning. When it’s short and easy to remember, you can build your blogging empire on any name.

Account for SEO best practices

Thanks to the recent Google algorithm leak, the suspicion that Google penalizes websites with exact match domain names appears to be confirmed. This means you don’t want to choose a domain name that uses your industry’s “money” phrases. For example, if you’re teaching people how to flip used cars, you don’t want to buy a domain name like However, something like would be a good choice. It still gives the impression that there is money to be made with cars, but it’s not going to result in a penalty.

Sleep on your ideas

After you come up with some good ideas, sleep on them for a few days and come back to your list with fresh eyes. Cross everything off your list that isn’t relevant, short, or memorable, and continue the process until you find the ideal name for your blog.

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