Keep Things Consistent! Applying CSS to Multiple Pages.

It’s easy to apply all your CSS rules to multiple pages using a stylesheet, which means you can get things done faster and more consistently. Plus it saves you a lot of potential repetition styling individual pages.

We’ve discussed using CSS Stylesheets with other programs here before, but this tutorial is specifically focused on explaining how they work to help you implement your styling across multiple pages using Dreamweaver. This lesson may also help you with file management when building entire websites, as well as naming conventions.

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The workflow for this process can differ from program to program, but the ideas are the same regardless. CSS is meant to save you a lot of time and effort, and attaching a stylesheet to multiple pages means that you only need to make edits to this one sheet and the changes will be reflected on all corresponding pages.

Sometimes it’s the simple ideas like this one that have the biggest impact on your workflows. You may also find this post on using the Normalize.css CSS reset stylesheet helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

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