The Internet is full of information (articles, video lessons) on how to promote sites. But there are certain actions, without which all your promotional efforts may be useless. And even the most popular / trendy “chips” will not bring results if you do not perform the important nuances. Only web development company and website promotion together can give the desired effect.

Top sites filled with important and useful information will still drive people away if they don’t look good and modern. Design is an indicator of how seriously the site owner takes clients. It also needs to be constantly updated at 2-3 year intervals.
Useful points about web page design:
- site on a white background (the color of more than 80% of successful sites is white);
- design should not distract from the purpose of the page;
- it is not recommended to use a lot of fonts.
Page objectives and mobile version
Every page on a website should have a specific purpose. The page should only have information about one thing. You need to define the purpose of the content of the site and according to this create the pages of the site one by one.
This advice can be found everywhere, but the owners of web resources still pay little attention to the version for smartphones and tablets. The number of mobile Internet users is growing every day, and it is necessary not to miss potential visitors.
Mandatory action for different types of projects
Site of services
If the site belongs to categories that offer specific services, then on each page should be the result of the work done. In simple words – a description of what customers have already received, certificates, diplomas, photos of team members.
Sales sites
Competition between online stores is growing every day. If a prospective customer does not like something, he can instantly leave the page. The interface, the choice of goods and the subsequent payment should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. The more means of payment are accepted, the better. The faster the application is processed, the better.
SEO and error correction
Within the framework of one article it is impossible to describe all the techniques that should be used in SEO promotion of sites. You should pay maximum attention to the collection of keywords and follow all the recommendations, which are written about in the instructions for SEO promotion. They really work, and they can not be neglected.
Any site is doomed to failure, if by clicking on the internal link, the user goes to a 404 page or goes completely to the wrong place. Money for the development of the site can go nowhere because of one small technical mistake.
In general, site promotion – it is long and monotonous work. It should be taken seriously and do not hope for the “off-chance”. But if you do everything correctly, the results will not be long and the site will sooner or later be in the top lines of search engines.