Protecting Your Business from Cyber Attacks

With the advancement of technology and the introduction of new technology tools designed to improve business operations, cyber criminals have also evolved in how they operate. You’re more likely these days to be the victim of a banking scam than you will be of a mugging. For business, the threat multiplies because of the number of potential access points. 

The Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks 

Cybercrime can happen in many ways, so it’s helpful to know what you could be dealing with when it happens. 

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  1. Social Engineering

This technique manipulates human error and uses it to access personal information and client data. Hackers target unsuspecting users and get them to expose data from their organization or to spread malicious software.  A typical example is an email with a “click here” link redirecting you to another page. The email looks like it’s from a legitimate source such as a bank or an insurance provider.

  1. Ransomware

In this cyber attack, cybercriminals use malware to hold the victims’ systems hostage until they pay a ransom to regain their system or data. The malware attack denies employees access to essential business operations, forcing the business owner to pay the ransom. The malware exploits vulnerabilities in the network or internet system.

  1. Man In The Middle Attacks 

Man In The Middle (MITM) cyber attacks allow the attacker to eavesdrop on data sent back and forth between people, networks, or computers. This person in the middle spies on interactions between people without their knowledge because everything looks normal. Strong encryptions and VPNs can help prevent this kind of attack. 

  1. Denial-of-service Attacks

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks block users from accessing a website by overwhelming it with fake requests and forcing the website to handle these phony requests. This attack aims to crash the website, and they usually disrupt critical business operations.

  1. Phishing 

There are various phishing attacks, but their purpose is to trick the user into exposing confidential information. A whale-phishing attack targets top management of businesses because they have access to critical information about the company.  Spear-phishing uses email spoofing where the email’s sender is fake, and the receiver of the e-mail may think the email is from a trustworthy source. 

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks


A firewall is one of the quickest ways to protect your network against cybercrime. A firewall is a network security device that monitors all network traffic on your servers. It then chooses to allow or block programs from getting through. Firewalls are available in software or hardware and are a first step in getting yourself protected. They’re also affordable. 

Intrusion Detection System and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

An intrusion detection system (IDS) detects and monitors intrusions. A person or robot can be used to interpret and analyze data. If your business has an internet connection, an intrusion prevention device (IPS) is the easiest way to block intruders on your network. An IPS deposits malicious packets on the network that blocks offensive IPs and then alerts IT security personnel of the potential threat.  An IDS removes an offensive IPS, virus, or anything else that may have breached the firewall. The IDS will also detect and monitor continuous attacks.  


Blockchain technology stores data in blocks that are connected through cryptography. The information cannot be edited or deleted once it is collected. Blockchain technology was made famous by cryptocurrency miners and creators. The technology has benefits that exceed the cryptocurrency industry, as it can offer better user privacy and greater transparency. 

Manufacturer Usage Description

Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) is ideal for small businesses because it strengthens the security of IoT devices with minimal cost and complications. MUD will help reduce damage and data loss in the event of a successful attack. 

Zero Trust

Employees are the most vulnerable access point when it comes to cybercrime. It’s through negligence or weak encryption that criminals can gain access to an organization. Zero Trust assumes that no user is safer than the rest. A zero-trust framework requires that all users verify themselves. The framework combines tools like endpoint security, multi-factor authentication, and data encryption. 

Final Thought

While cyber threats have become more serious, there are a lot of options that offer reliable cybersecurity. There are even technologies and systems that can be used in-house, and are affordable. So, don’t leave your network vulnerable to attacks.

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