Using CSS3’s Blend Mode Property to Create Window Text


Although it may look complex, creating a window text effect is actually really easy to do using CSS and the mix-blend-mode property. The mix-blend-mode property determines the way in which an element’s content should blend with the element’s background.

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In terms of your HTML, all you need to create the above effect is a div with some text inside it. For this example, we used a div with a class of “main” that contained an h1.

The main purpose of the div is to be a container for the background image. The styling of your div should look something like this:

  1. div.main{
  2. width: 700px;
  3. height: 500px;
  4. background: url('img/path');
  5. background-size: color;
  6. }

And your h1 should be styled similar to this:

  1. .main h1{
  2. font-size: 80px;
  3. text-align: center;
  4. top: 100px;
  5. padding: 15px;
  6. position: relative;
  7. font-family: sans-serif;
  8. color: #222;
  9. }

At this point, you should have something that looks like the image below.

Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 11.11.04 AM

We’re almost finished! We only need to add a few lines of CSS to achieve the window text effect. Adjust your h1 CSS so it looks like this:

  1. .main h1{
  2. font-size: 80px;
  3. text-align: center;
  4. top: 100px;
  5. padding: 15px;
  6. position: relative;
  7. font-family: sans-serif;
  8. color: #fff;
  9. background-color: #222;
  10. mix-blend-mode: multiply;
  11. }

All you need to do is change the text color to white, add a background color of your choice, and add the mix-blend-mode property with a value of multiply, and you should find yourself with something that looks a lot like the image below.

Screen Shot 2016-06-20 at 11.10.40 AM


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