Google fonts are an excellent way to add character to a site. Most of them fit well with modern websites, and they don’t increase page load times too much. Even though google doesn’t have every single font available, they still have a ton of them. There are so many that it is really hard to determine which one is the perfect fit for a website, so here are the best 18 choices to help narrow it down.
Join us in our newest publication:
1) Montserrat
2) Arvo
3) Nixie One
4) Questrial
5) Oleo Script
6) Montserrat Alternates
7) Lobster
8) Comfortaa
9) Roboto
10) Open Sans
11) Patua One
12) Grand Hotel
13) Shanti
14) Gafata
15) Sarala
16) Poppins
17) Lato
18) Poiret One
All of the fonts can be found here.